
Interview Mistakes: What NOT To Do

Two weeks ago, we interviewed a few of our works to find out what was the most challenging interview question they were ever asked. Today, we are going to talk about a few embarrassing interview experience. Think of it as a 'what not to do at an interview' piece!

The article was written by Chelsea Fagan and recall the experience of multiple women and their failed interviews. Here are a few.

“One of my first real job interviews was at a hip record company in Manhattan where everyone dressed in jeans, T-shirts, and other 'cool guy' attire. I showed up for my interview wearing Olivia Benson-style slacks, and I felt like a complete lose. Luckily, they worked in my favor, so I have ended up wearing them to basically every interview since.” - Stephanie G.; got the job

They asked me what my worst quality was, and I said I was lazy. Don’t ask me what I was thinking.” - Kelly D.; did not get the job.

I have a lot of nervous tics that tend to come out in professional situations more than any other stressful environment, probably because they feel so proper and serious. But my worst reaction to stress is that I’ll produce a lot of saliva and either have to swallow a ton, or slightly drool without realizing it. So in my most recent interview, I spent the entire 10 minutes swallowing every three seconds; at one point, I even launched spittle at the hiring manager when I laughed at her joke. I assume I came off like Robert Durst in The Jinx.” - Carla A.; did not get the job.

There are SO many more; they really are a good guide of what not to do during an interview. Now, it's your turn; name your most embarrassing moment during an interview.

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