
New Years Resolutions

To resolve or not to resolve...that is the question!

For some New Years Resolutions are a yearly tradition.  A chance to set goals and work toward achieving them.  For others, New Years Resolutions represent failure.  You set a goals each year and each year you have completely forgotten them by February 1st.

So this year, we are giving you the tools to achieve your goals!  Here are the steps to achievable New Years Resolutions:

  1. Keep it small.  A handful of items is the best way to set resolutions.  I try to keep my list to around 5 items.
  2. Make these goals achievable.  Losing 100 lbs this year probably isn't achievable.  But 10-15 lbs definitely is.  Maker your goals smaller and more focused means success.
  3. Check in monthly.  I keep my resolution list on my phone.  I try to go thru them eat month and see what I have achieved and what I need to work towards.
  4. Be kind to yourself.  If you list five resolutions and you achieve three or four of them, that is a successful year.  Even one crossed off item is success.  Because you worked towards a goal and achieved it.
With these steps, I know you will keep your resolutions this year.  So be sure to comment below and tell us what they are!

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