
Warm Weather is Here

Can you believe the weather we have had this week?  It has been amazing to open windows, put away your coats and get outside.  I don't know about you but I can't wait to enjoy the outdoors this weekend.

Warmer weather, of course, means more outdoor events and portable restrooms are the perfect addition to any outdoor event.

There is nothing worse than throwing a birthday party in the park and having no where for the kids to go to the bathroom.  Or having a BBQ at your house and then having all your guests line up to use the two bathrooms in your house!

Make your event fail proof by ordering a portable restroom from us.  We have everything from Standard Portable Toilets to our nicer VIP Flushing Portable Toilets, which have sinks and flushing toilets.

Call us at (877) 234-6545 to place your order!

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