
Apps That You Can't Live Without

We all live in a very technological world. Today, if you are without a smart phone, it is almost impossible to stay in communication with family, friends and even business partners. That being said, there are a few apps that we simply CANNOT live without. And so we set on a journey to realize how addicted we are to technology. Behold; apps that we cannot live without.
  1. Email. This is the application that you will check every 10 minutes. Whether you are waiting to hear from your family or from your business partner, you want to respond as fast as you. That is why you check this app constantly.
  2. Games. This can very from person to person, but everyone has that one game that they cannot live without. This often includes Candy Crush, Angry Birds or Flappy Bird. This app will consume a good amount of your time.
  3. Facebook. This is where you find out what everyone is up to! Where you are posting new pictures or seeing what your friends are doing, you are almost constantly on this app.
I know this doesn't seem like much, but the reality is that applications consume our lives. There are also other apps such as the calendar, the alarm clock and Pandora that we depend on highly.

So there you have it folks, a few apps that we simply could not live without. If you have any other apps that you depend on highly, leave it in the comment below. Remember to subscribe and stay tuned!

1 comment:

http://sagacandycrushapkgame.com/ said...

What's with the "I'd like to see iOS do that, hehehe!" comments? I mean, I have a Nexus 5, and before that I had an iPhone. Clearly, in my opinion, Android is a superior product, but are we still in the "mine's better than yours era"? Come on, lets rise above all that noise. P.S. Really enjoyed the video. I had been looking for AppDialer for 2 months now, after losing it and forgetting its name. Thumbs up.