
Giving Back

The holidays are a great time to give back.  Even better, it is a perfect opportunity to teach this lesson to your children.

The other day my son found some toys in my office.  Being three, he immediately tried to open them, assuming they were for him.  I tried to explain to him that these toys were for boys and girls who don't get presents.  He of course said, "I don't have any presents."

Ok, so he didn't get that lesson, but we will keep trying.

In honor of Max and his love of toys, here are some toy drives that you can contribute to:

These are just the tip of the iceberg.  The big name toy drives are really easy to find and they make donating so simple.  But I also really like the small toy drives right in your town.  

No child should go without and a small toy can make such a difference.  We hope you will join us in donating this holiday season!

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