
Is This the Best Restroom in America?

From the Huffington Post:

This Is The Best Public Restroom In America

One tiny Colorado town wiped out the competition. 🚽 

 11/19/2015 10:53 am ET | Updated Nov 19, 2015
The tiny town of Minturn, Colorado can never loo-se. That's because it just won the title "Best Public Restroom in America."
Earlier this month, corporate services company Cintas gave Minturn's new bathrooms top honors following a national competition that included 10 other town toilets. 
The Denver Post reports Minturn's public restrooms, installed in March, were designed by the city planning director to resemble the passageway into a Rocky Mountain mine, a nod to the town's rich mining and railroad history. With just over 1,000 residents, the town takes great pride in its proximity to Colorado's epic natural wonders. And boy, is it worth the (bathroom) trip:
Inside, the loos feature turquoise and copper-colored walls, with steel butterflies on the ceilings.
Other contest finalists included a whiskey barrel bathroom in Charleston, South Carolina:
A salt mine bathroom in Hutchinson, Kansas:
This swanky loo at The Music Hall in Portsmouth, New Hampshire:
And the homiest nursing suite EVER at Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati, Ohio:
These potties are pretty, indeed. 
But trust us: Bathrooms are NOT quite so beautiful on every trip! 

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